Day Care Centres / Pre-School
Abraham Learning Centre at Arathi – Centre for Women’s Development in Koramangala is an ideal space for children between 3 years and 6 years. It is filled with attractive educational aids catering to the children of the urban settlement in and around Koramangala. The YWCA of Bangalore City provides free and quality pre-school education as per the ‘Chilli Pilli’ syllabus, Government of Karnataka.
The nutritional needs of the children are met by the teachers and helpers. Wholesome meals, high nutritious protein mix (Porridge), milk, and fruits are given to the children every day. The diet chart is prepared under the guidance of a qualified nutritionist. Regular health check – ups are conducted to identify specific medical needs of children.
Regular Parents-Teachers’ meetings are conducted to educate and make parents aware about physical and emotional health of children; their nutritional requirements; importance of education and to discuss about other relevant issues.